Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Roots of despair to hope for the future

This is the most amazing write-up I’ve ever read anywhere, succinctly summarizing the despair I’ve felt over what America has become versus what I perceived it would be growing up. I’ve watched this develop over at least the last 30 years of my life, and it’s like I can’t watch anymore. This line REALLY grabbed me:

“Will we have an America in which people either embrace our military superiority and martial character as a moral virtue on the one hand, or are constrained to immerse themselves in our cultural distractions as a refuge from the emerging security panopticon on the other? In other words, will those ensuing Americans face delimited choices that come down to either institutionalized anger or repressed angst?”

The Wall, anyone?

Empire of the Sunset
Randall Amster J.D., Ph.D.

To speak of it, agree with it, opens you to the accusation of being a “hate America firster.” So what is my motivation here? Perhaps the last two sentences:

“Perhaps that apocryphal America from a bygone day can yet be resurrected, only this time for real and not merely as an ideal. In my mind's eye, I can envision a door opening up ahead even as the one behind us closes.”

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